The central London residential property market retains an old-fashioned mystique, where the
best properties often exchange hands without ever appearing to be for sale. Frustrating as this
may seem to some, it is an essential feature of a market whose clientele demand the utmost
Navigating the market requires both experience and a broad network of contacts. Whether
you are a seller, seeking to dispose of a home quickly and quietly, or a buyer, preferring to
remain anonymous or simply looking for opportunities beyond the generic property portals,
the expertise of a bespoke property service can make you feel like an insider.
I founded Mulberry Property Search in 2001 to help clients acquire and dispose of homes in
central London, managing transaction negotiations on their behalf. My market knowledge
creates confidence around transaction terms, while allowing clients to remain above the fray
and retain tactical options. My service includes advice on the local community and service
suppliers, e.g. legal, architects, building, landscaping etc.
Mulberry Property Search’ independence ensures impartiality of advice and access to the
widest possible network of buyers, and homes for sale.
Having personally lived in the heart of Chelsea for over forty years, I know the wider area as
only a resident ever could; the quirky homes that only sell in a strong market and streets
where buyers wait in line in the teeth of a recession.
Sussan Panahizadi-Booth